Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yesterday was great but today is AWESOME!

Cabin devotions, a crucial aspect to camp is going wonderfully.  In the morning and evening the counselors and the kids gather in their own cabins and have a small group time.  In this special time the kids get a chance to practice the memory verse for the day, study God's word deeper and ask questions in a small group setting.  A young named Jake opened his Bible last night (in Kyle's cabin) and read a section from the book of Revelation.  A huge grin appeared on His face as things started to make sense for him.  Continue to pray for the kids as God is revealing His great love to them.

Today we are hoping to get the kids out to a sandbar for some mud-slinging, castle-building, marshmallow-roasting, Yukon-Swimming FUN FUN FUN!

Continue to pray for us and that relationships with the children will blossom and grow.

In Christ,

The KHBC Team

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