Monday, July 23, 2012

Day two of the campers being at the camp

We have had some sad news...two from our team have had to return home.  Josh and Elesheva returned due to a heart breaking loss - Mindy (Pastor Josh's wife) had a miscarriage.  Please pray for the entire Tiner family as they grieve this loss.  The weather was a little tricky getting out of camp, but praise God they got out and have been reunited with the rest of the family.

Today has been mostly cloudy, but it only rained for about 20 minutes.  Crafts, Survival Skills, First Aid, Archery, Rifle and Fire Building are all the stations that the kids went through today.  We played on the basket ball courts today and we sang plenty of silly songs.  But the most important thing that took place today (and will continue to take place) is the sharing of God's word.

Here are a couple of pictures from the kids and the fun times we are having.  ENJOY:

Kids gathering to buy things are the "Store"  
The Water Slide

The Water Slide

The Water Slide
"In a cabin in the woods..."
The ever popular Zip-line
Our Chapel Time - Sharing the Love of Jesus


1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures. Keep them coming!! Give our love to Katelynn and Aubrey!! We are praying for the team and the children everyday that God would be so real
