Friday, July 27, 2012

Pizza in Nenana...

We were pretty hungry after all the flights, so we decided to stop for some Pizza before we carried on.
Oh the smell of melted cheese a pepperoni!!!

The KHBC Mission Team
Here we go!!!

And...we are off on the next leg of the journey.  We have all arrived in Nenana and are getting in the van RIGHT NOW.  Lord willing we will be back at the church in 5 or 6 hours (around 6 or 7pm)

See you all soon,

The KHBC Mission Team

Almost everyone is in Nenana!!!

Kyle, Josef, Katelyn, Aubrey, Kim, Ava, Nikki and Faith - They are the ones that have arrived in Nenana.  Teddy is still at camp but he should be boarding the plane shortly ("Put your tray tables and seats in the upright position!")  We will have three other guests joining us in the van:  Scott, "Z" and Adrian (the camp director).  It should a super fun trip home with that gang.

The following pictures are NOT pictures of the plane we took from the is a plane that is at the Nenana airport that we are all exploring.  Enjoy:

NOT our Plane :-)  Just a cool wrecked plane on the airstrip!

A shot from the front of the wrecked plane

Here are more pictures from Camp throughout the week:

Craft time with Kyle!!!

We ate really, really great food! 

Plenty of life vests to go around!

Swimming in the Yukon - What fun!
Camp is all done and we are on our way out and back home.

What a great week this has been.  The children have all heard the gospel and God has been so good.
Now begins out long journey home!  This means that we go via bush plan from camp (which is always dependent on the weather) to the little city of Nenana (they have a good pizza place case you ever happen to drive through).  There we say good bye to our pilot and jump in the church van and begin the long drive home! ("1,000,000 bottles of root beer on the wall").  Lord willing we will arrive later this evening at church - to the rejoicing and celebration of all of you!

Please pray for us as we travel today.  We will keep everyone informed as to our progress and ETA so you can all come and see us and welcome us home!

The KHBC Missions Team

Flying in these planes are so much fun!

Our Pilots are so awesome!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mosquitoes - they are everywhere...and they are NOT friendly! 

Things have gone very well today - the weather did not allow us to go to the sandbar (maybe tomorrow) but we did get out to do some water tubing - the kids LOVED that!

Worship is going really well and Kyle is doing a great job and has lots of excellent help.  The main group times of Bible study are going extremely well - God is so good and He is moving in the hearts of everyone.

Please pray as the camp is winding down tomorrow - pray that God will direct conversations and He will move in the hearts of every Child.

Here are some more pictures of the cabins:

Beautifully situated little cabins in the woods!

Can you tell this is a boys cabin???

Drying our cloths camp style

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yesterday was great but today is AWESOME!

Cabin devotions, a crucial aspect to camp is going wonderfully.  In the morning and evening the counselors and the kids gather in their own cabins and have a small group time.  In this special time the kids get a chance to practice the memory verse for the day, study God's word deeper and ask questions in a small group setting.  A young named Jake opened his Bible last night (in Kyle's cabin) and read a section from the book of Revelation.  A huge grin appeared on His face as things started to make sense for him.  Continue to pray for the kids as God is revealing His great love to them.

Today we are hoping to get the kids out to a sandbar for some mud-slinging, castle-building, marshmallow-roasting, Yukon-Swimming FUN FUN FUN!

Continue to pray for us and that relationships with the children will blossom and grow.

In Christ,

The KHBC Team

God is SO good!

I thought that perhaps all of you would like to see an area of the camp that causes great rejoicing.  We are all rejoicing at the addition of the beautiful bath house and FLUSH TOILETS!

Outside of the old outhouses - the communal toilets 
Here is the inside... enough said!

Our glorious NEW toilets
The shower stalls - WONDERFUL!
Brushing our teeth in STYLE!!!

Thank you to the Amazing Work Team who did all this life changing work!!!